Brands Of The Year

Results are out for 2003’s brands with the most impact. Google takes top spot at the global level with Apple right behind and Mini, Coca-Cola, Samsung and Ikea in the second pack. I’m kind of surprised with Samsung although they are obviously building on a strong showing in Asia. Even there though they are behind Sony, which means, I guess, that Samsung is so much stronger in other regions that it takes them to 5th overall with Sony only 9th. Weird.

In the US and Canada Apple takes top spot (w00t!) with Target and Google some way behind. Do we even have Target in Canada? Interesting to see that Nike is all the way down to 7th, barely in front of Pixar (w00t again) and trailing youngin’ Jetblue.

Last note, there’s only one sports team brand showing up anywhere and it’s not in the US, it’s the Real Madrid for Europe, one of the greatest teams of all time, in any sport.