Before I Forget

If next year I’m still talking about SXSW and don’t end up going. Again. You have permission to kick me in the head. Get over it or go effing moron!


Karl Dubost March 18, 2005

You. do. not. miss. anything. by. not. going.

Patrick March 18, 2005

Except. Everyone. Else. Does. Like. Their. Experience. There. ;)

Alex March 18, 2005

I. Want. To. Be. There. Me. Too.

Martine March 18, 2005

I think we would only have fun if we went as a contingent. Then again, that would be like doing Yulblog in Texas, which is pretty silly (and expensive).

oblivia March 18, 2005

Martine: I smell a road trip coming on.

aj March 18, 2005

i have a brother in law in san antonio…which is pretty far from austin…

why can’t we just move nxne to Montreal? It’s its natural home, after all :)

vanderwal March 18, 2005

It is a good time. The conversations and ideas flowing in the halls are well worth the price of admission. I will push you next year if you wish. I had not been for two years after going in 2001 and 2002, before I went I was looking at it as a place to speak and catch-up. It is so much more. I really wish I could have stayed the full time and gone to more sessions.

Karl Dubost March 18, 2005

Everyone. Else. Just. Says. Nice. Things. To. Be. Nice.

Non sincèrement, le monde des weblogs est souvent le monde de mickey et Donald. Il faut être gentil et surtout ne pas dire la vérité. SXSW est une bande de gens qui parlent d’eux généralement sur les carnets Web. En gros c’est la A list qui s’autocongratule. Tout le monde il est beau, tout le monde il est gentil.

Ce sera très bien pour ton réseau, pour l’ascenseur, etc. Mais pour le fond de la conférence. Bof. Mais bon cela a peut-être changé en 2 ans et je peux me tromper.

Patrick March 19, 2005

aj: No interactive side at the nxne :(

Thomas: Go right ahead with the pushing. The fact I know a couple of people who will be there already makes it more likely I’ll show up.

Karl: C’est çà la différence, moi ca m’intéresse de rencontrer ce monde là. Pour la même raison que je vais à Yulblog; connaitre en personne les gens que je lis tout les jours. Si quelques panels sont intéressants, even better. Si je me fais quelques contacts, encore mieux. Pour moi c’est un Yulblog++ international. Pas une conférence ou je vais apprendre plein de choses et en tomber sur le cul.

nika March 20, 2005


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