This Freelance Thing Seems to Work

Yesterday a client asked me how many projects I was working on, even though each one has a todo list in my Kinkless GTD setup, I wasn’t sure, mainly because some I know I’m working on soon but have no “next action” defined. I counted later in the day and it comes to…. 13 14!!, plus 2 volunteer things I need to work on. That’s all I was gonna say, posting this as a milestone kinda thing but then I realised some are newish in terms of things I get payed for so I thought I’d list them here, might make some potential clients aware of jobs I’m available for. Here are all the projects that are still in progress at some level or another. For those who might be thinking I’m over extending myself, remember that some of those are short 4-5 hours things and some aren’t really started, I’m just being kept abreast of the first steps before my part comes.

Usual work

  • Last tweaks and fixes on a blog used as a main site.
  • (2) last tweaks and fixes on a new blog.
  • Design, xhtml/css, partner for the application to be launched by a new startup.
  • xhtml/css for the application to be launched by a new startup.
  • xhtml/css and “periferal” consulting for an application to be launched by a new startup.
  • xhtml/css and basic interface design for an application to be launched by a new startup.
  • Drupal internationalization (multilanguage content) on an existing project.
  • Drupal semi-advanced themeing, including xhtml/css for a new site.
  • (2) xhtml/css, CMS installation for a new site.

    Kind of new type of contract

  • Write a document on WordPress usage and general blogging.
  • Writing (done) and “delivery” of a “web 2.0” presentation for an agency with a friend of mine.
  • Accessibility/standards analys of a design, “mentoring” of integration team, tech support for xhtml/css and audit of finished product.


  • Design of a web application and main site.
  • Re-Design and new backend for Yulblog (maybe now that I’ve mentioned it here I’ll get around to it)


Chris Car October 31, 2006

It is interesting to hear in which projects you are involved in… but isn’t it fun that you are one of the few people (if not the only one) who knows what is going on in the startup / product development / etc. scene in Quebec. ;-)

How many of these projects have the same target / functionalty? ;-)

Patrick October 31, 2006

Oh I’m sure there are a number of other people who know about all those projects, the founders of each knows of the others for one thing. You have to start hanging out at more of those blog and camp style meetings Chris ;).

Interestingly enough, they’re all different so no “here are the 10 MySpace add-ins from Montréal” syndrome.

Chris Car October 31, 2006

Thanks for the insider information! ;-)

I’ll try to camp out more often at these blogbars…

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