As some of you might know, since November 2004 I was spending a couple of days a week working for one client on a fixed contract. Since a few weeks ago that deal is completed and we’ll be working together on a per project basis from now on.
We closed it down in good part because I wanted a more flexible schedule to work on other contracts that sometimes require a full time availability for periods of time. Anyway, I mention this because following that I upped my efforts on a few fronts and also happen to collaborate with a couple of really good networkers who are bringing me in on some superb projects so instead of being in deep shite without enough contracts, I might be pretty darn loaded in the next few weeks.
All of that to say that, since I’m not the type to book myself 90 hours a week, I might need a hand. Of course, knowing dear old Murphy, once I’ve asked everything will fall through but still, I’d need leads on some Montréal (or at least Québec) based XHTML/CSS ass kickers. Email me or comment in this post. I already have 2-3 names in mind but I’m interested in discovering others.
a. Montréal or Québec because I already know out of town talent, I’m looking for someone I can work with in person.
b. The people/companies who come to me do so for me (sorry for the ego there) so I’m not looking for someone to dump contracts on, I’m looking for someone who can pickup parts of projects and work under my supervision.
c. To those who might read this blog and whom I’m already working with; I’m working your projects myself, just want to keep other leads open ;).