Here’s the step by step for one of the ways you can make sure I won’t do business with you.
- Even though you have a store downtown, have me hike all the way to around the hippodrome to drop off items needing repair.
- Close the store following a supposed bankrupcy.
- Months later start taking ads, hyping up a new store “in the heart of the Plateau” but don’t do anything real until a good 8-10 months later.
- Take full page ads touting the new store the day before it opens.
- On opening, have your store be a few measly square feet sublet within a crappy PC computer store, your inventory being 1 Powerbook and 1 iMac. Don’t keep much else in stock.
- Have virtually no signage indicating, either outside or inside, that you are indeed alive and doing business there.
- Don’t answer the phone.
- Have no competent sales person on the floor. Not a one who even knows what an Airport Express is.
That should do the trick. Way to go B-Mac!
Really ? No one knew what an Airport was … Huhuhhuhummm.
Funny post though, Patrick ;)
I’ve known some pretty cool people who worked at the flagship store out on Paré, but yeah, as a whole, they don’t really seem to understand retail very well. Buying Dessie (the art supply store) was a weird move, although the argument could be made that Mac people are creative types…Apple retail in Montreal has, sadly, sucked for years. And Apple Canada doesn’t really seem to care. I think they’re satisfied selling directly via the online Apple Store, or through CDW Canada, or through the educational discount programs at campus stores.
I’ve been to one of the smaller Apple Stores in Boston, and it was pretty cool, everyone was helpful. CompuSmart also does seem to “get” Apple, as they are the only national full-line Apple retailer – their store on Yonge Street in TO was like an Apple temple.
Now that they have an Apple store in Toronto, will we get one here? There’s plenty of retail space going cheap on Sainte-Catherine street. If not…why don’t we start our own?
Partir une boutique mac serait une très bonne idée. Le besoin est grand à Montréal. Je serais même près à investir dans un projet du genre.
M’enfin c’est bon à savoir, le nouveau bMac est à éviter..
Compusmart me surprend à chaque fois que j’y cherche un truc Mac (par dépit en plus, puisque je cherche à éviter Futureshop au plus criss), les vendeurs y sont assez compétents en génétal (on s’y attend pas, p-être?), et ils tiennent toutes les bébelles (pardon, accessoires) pour Powerbooks et Ipods !
Good point AJ, I don’t know what’s going on with the lazy people at Apple Canada in Ville St-Laurent… They just don’t seem to give a fuck about opening an Apple retail store on Ste-Catherine. Man ! I would luv to see that big shiny white Apple with brushed aluminum front. I would love to work part time as a Genius bar geek :-)
Et un site Web de meeeeerrrrddddeeeee
I’m kind of wondering about Apple Canada myself, with no really good Apple store/service place to go, there’s got to be a market for an official Apple Store.
Which is also why, although it sounds like an interesting move, I’d be weary of starting something, you’d risk getting serious competition right from Apple months later.
I’m also very surprised (happily) with Compusmart, they do have some decent inventory and pretty knowledgeable staff. They aren’t a service center though which makes it hard to consider them like a “go to” place.
The site does suck loads of arse. Even their “re-design” from before the bankrupcy was horrible.