Freaky Serendipity

I’m working from Montréal Café this afternoon, two weird random things:

1. Dumas is playing on the radio, he walks in to use the internet terminal. No, really, he lives close by.

2. A bit later I’m on the phone with Sarah answering a few questions for her upcoming article, in walks mtlanglo whom I’d never seen outside of a Yulblog meeting.

Ok, I know it seems like I’m dropping names and being interviewed but really, it’s about the random thing. Plus, it’s not like every blogger isn’t being interviewed these days.


mtlanglo March 13, 2005

:) I had to do a double take as well! See you Saturday night!

PS- I have Powerbook envy…

m-c March 13, 2005

dumas habite pas loins en effet, je le croise souvent moi aussi.

Alex March 13, 2005

Pffff… Y’a rien là. Mon artiste est plus gros que le tien: Je vois Jean Leloup (ok, ok, Jean Leclerc) à peu près une fois par semaine dans le Mile-End.

Name dropping, on disait hin?


PS: J’adore Dumas autant que Leloup. Je dis ça juste comme ça.

m-c March 13, 2005

Dumas yé plus bô.

oops, s’tu un commentaire de blonde ca là?


Seb March 17, 2005

5 piasses au premier qui rentre Dumas ou Leloup le premier dans Flickr.

Comments closed