RoCoCo Camp

I meant to post this earlier but the day happened. What promises to be an excellent event, RoCoCoCamp is happening tomorrow and over the weekend, fully unconference compliant and it’s an international event with some people flying in so be sure to drop by or, even better, attend the whole thing and present.

A few invites:

  • Nicolas

    I hoped to invite as many women as men but almost everyone I know who might be interested is already coming or on someone else’s invite list.


Marie-Claude May 18, 2007

I might join in finally. Don’t know when yet though.

Alex May 18, 2007

Thanks for the invite! I just found out about this event earlier this morning. I’ll try to drop by on Saturday during the daytime.

Mat May 19, 2007

Thanks for the invite Patrick… I’ve just rolled back into town, and unfortunately can’t make it today. I may drop by tomorrow, if I can get away from some other work… I really wish I was taking part!

Patrick May 19, 2007

Have a look at the schedule first, there isn’t much going on Sunday, it’s conclusions and such.

Antoine May 21, 2007

Ouais je sais, si y’avait un film Slackers: The Geek Edition je serais dedans! ;)

Je viens de lire ton autre post, ça avait l’air très bien en plus. Pecha Kucha, je rentre ça dans mon iCal.

Bosko May 25, 2007

sorry patrick i missed this, it seems. i haven’t been keeping up with my feeds lately. :-(

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