Editing GPT-3

This Guardian piece has been making the rounds, they title it like it’s written by a “robot” by itself but it’s actually eight different “essays” edited together. Austin Kleon has an excellent take on it.

“We chose instead to pick the best parts of each… We cut lines and paragraphs, and rearranged the order of them in some places.”

Honey, that means a human wrote this piece.

Writing is editing. It is about making choices.

So you fed a robot a prompt, got eight different “essays,” and stitched together the best parts to make a piece of writing? Congratulations, human! You’ve just outsourced the easiest parts of writing and kept the hardest parts.

This post is Day 7 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at 100daystooffload.com