Windows on the World, Frédéric Beigbeder. Je suis un fan et j’ai aimé tous ces livres ce n’est donc pas une surprise si j’ai dévoré celui-ci également. J’ai particulièrement aimé l’alternance des chapitres entre une victime de 911 et une espèce d’auto critique de l’auteur. L’une est tragique et rappelle bien les évènements tandis que l’autre est très drôle, les deux aspects on cependant en commun qu’ils peuvent amener le lecteur à réfléchir sur le monde qui nous entoure. Recommandé.
The Fuck Up, Arthur Nersesian. As the title implies, this is the story of a fuck up, the guy can’t seem to get a break and when he does he manages to fuck it up. Very funny and makes you cringe time and time again at the things he goes through. At certain points the writer delves so well in the underbelly of NY that to me it felt almost as alien as some Sci-Fi settings. Fun read.
Is Frederic the guy who wrotw 99Francs, is that book available in English? I heard that was a good one right there, I’m guessing you’ve read it, what can you say about it?
Yup and yup. Much better cover in english ;). I did read it, it’s the first one I read and it prompted me to get the others. It’s about a guy in the marketing business but as in all his books it’s also about today’s society, especially his generation and the “decadent” lifestyle they live(d).