Why the f0ck does everyone feel obliged to play only f0cking christmas music all frickin’ month long?!? Aaarrrgh!!!
Generalist. Synthesist. Curator of eclectic ideas @ Sentiers.
Why the f0ck does everyone feel obliged to play only f0cking christmas music all frickin’ month long?!? Aaarrrgh!!!
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are you talking about starbuck’s music?
best is to bring your headphones :)
Not even. It was the new Brûlerie St-Denis on Mont-Royal/Mentana. They have wifi!
Thankfully it was “only” one album. There was a frickin moron afterwards, talking loud, swearing and yelling in his cellphone. I actually used this. Well, actually, I used a Moleskine page since I hadn’t printed out the other thing. The guy walked out soon after…