Everything’s Relative

When looking around for information on the Z600 it seemed that everyone agreed, it’s a great phone, one of if not the best in it’s category but they also all seemed to say it was a tad big compared to others. Still, I decided to go with it since the selection of phones with my requirements that are offered in Canada is, well, very limited.

Once I had it in hand though I realized how everything is relative, especially in technology. If you click the thumbnail in this entry you’ll realize that it is in fact pretty small. Especially when you consider that I can sync it’s contacts and calendars with my iBook through Bluetooth, swap files through Bluetooth or infrared, take pictures, get email, receive instant messages, access the web directly, use it as a modem for my iBook, play games and, oh yeah, take phone calls. Plus a screen that has more colors and higher resolution than my first 3 computers put together and an internal antenna. Indeed, everything is relative.

(Can you tell I’m very happy with my phone?)


m-c July 14, 2004


tu tourne le fer dans la plaie.. pas bon..


Patrick July 14, 2004

Hehehe. 200$ avec signature d’un contrat de service. Abusif un peu mais bon, j’veut le tougher 2 ans minimum donc aussi bien acheter un qui répond à mes besoins présent et proche futur.

Quan July 14, 2004

Je vois que je ne suis pas seul à m’acheter de nouveaux jouets, vive les dépenses! En passant Patrick, devine à partir de quelle machine j’écris ce message ;)

Patrick July 14, 2004

C’t’une maladie! ;)

Finalement, tu l’a commandé le iPod?

Quan July 15, 2004

Comme tu l’as mentionné, je vais attendre jusqu’en août voir si Apple n’annoncera pas la nouvelle génération de iPod. Mais je crois effectivement que je vais profiter de la promo, ce n’est qu’une question de temps.

Patrick July 16, 2004

Heureusement que tu m’a écouté ;)

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