Craving Pancakes April 10, 2007 I’ve got a sudden craving for pancakes, I can’t help it. (I know, I know, it’s linked everywhere) #random Workspace On Living Vancouver Canada Worse than 3rd World Countries when it comes to Mobile Data Access 4 Comments lightspeedchick April 10, 2007 BTW, “baraskit” is Swedish for “just shit” :) Patrick April 10, 2007 haha! nice. (I was wondering wtf you were talking about, hadn’t noticed the domain name) Marie-Claude April 10, 2007 Très cocasse. Combien faut-il en faire pour le déjeûner? Patrick April 10, 2007 Hehe. 10-12? Comments closed Related Posts Têteux Coolest Dog Evah! Another Day Another Meme Boston vs St-Louis
BTW, “baraskit” is Swedish for “just shit” :)
haha! nice.
(I was wondering wtf you were talking about, hadn’t noticed the domain name)
Très cocasse. Combien faut-il en faire pour le déjeûner?
Hehe. 10-12?