In keeping with the Superbowl, the other interesting part: the ads. Which of course, we don’t get right away in Canada, thanks CRTC. But we can get them online at iFilm.
They were mostly pretty bland compared to other years but still, I have a few favorites: American Legacy Foundation (Glass freeze pops), the three AOL ones, Budweiser Fergus and Talking Monkey, NFL players sing Tomorrow, The Phillip Morris ad against kids smoking is just wrong, or rather, so two-faced I want to vomit. Back to the good ones: FedEx Alien Shipping, 7Up, the Cadillac Wave in the desert isn’t particularly good but very well made.
Weren’t Apple supposed to have one for the 20th anniversary of the Mac and the 1984 commercial??
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I love how CBS will air “uncontroversial” (Lost) War on Drugs ads but won’t air something by…