History of Violence, A (7.5)

If not for the actor caliber and general quality, this could have been a Van Damme movie; former violent dude recreates himself as a small town wholesome family man, saves people, his past catches up to him and some of the old violence saves the day but leaves him (and his family) reconsidering who/what he is. Better than the average tale but not by much.


ph August 20, 2006

Il n’y a pas de pimp facteur dans ce film là?

edemay August 20, 2006

Moi j’ai aimé l’hyperréalise du tout allant des réactions émotionelles des personnages faces aux circonstances qu’aux chorégraphies des batailles. C’était full brute.

Patrick August 21, 2006

Les chorégraphies des batailles étaient pas mal mais au contraire, j’ai trouvé les réactions de Maria Biello over the top.

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