Christmas Comes Early This Year

IE8 passed the Acid2 test.

As a team, we’ve spent the last year heads down working hard on IE8. Last week, we achieved an important milestone that should interest web developers. IE8 now renders the “Acid2 Face” correctly in IE8 standards mode.—Internet Explorer 8 and Acid2: A Milestone

For those who don’t work in web dev and CSS in particular; this means that if Microsoft keeps it up they will stop sucking browser wise. Never thought I’d see the day.


Blork December 20, 2007

Nah. They’ll still suck. Even if they fix the rendering problems and standardization glitches, IE (any version) will still suck. It’s true that it will be a relief for people who to Web dev work, but it will still suck for anyone who actually sits in front of IE and has to put up with (a) constant nagging, (b) lack of any real extensibility (at least of the type that you can reasonably trust), and (c) the never ending “don’t-get-it-edness” that seems to be built into every Microsoft product.

Blork December 20, 2007

(that should be ‘DO’ Web dev work, and the (c) should be ‘3’)

Blork December 20, 2007

Um. The ‘3’ should be ‘c.’ (OK, enough eggnog…)

Patrick December 20, 2007

Well I don’t really care about how crap it is for people too lazy or dumb to change. Or rather, I care to offer them up a proper website but if their browser experience is shit and they don’t change, tough. ;)

Laurent LaSalle December 21, 2007

Wow, ça fait longtemps que j’ai vérifié, mais je croyais que MSIE7 était PAS SI MAL lorsque venait le temps d’afficher le Acid Test; je ne me souviens pas par contre si c’était le 2 nécessairement, c’est un peu loin… Hmm?

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