Please reload if you dont see it. Like I mentionned before, you can use the style switcher at the bottom of the sidebar to use another style. Any bugs?
By the way, I made some changes a few days ago, this site now validates xhtml strict instead of transitional.
i’ve been thinking of making the “switch” from transitional to strict. i learned everything i need to know about transitional and feel i am ready to tackle strict. how difficult is the transition (no pun intended)? I once tried to validate my site as strict and i couldn’t use the align attribute in a div element. how will I ever center my pictures…
For some reason the sidebar is way below (Starts when the main content ends), when viewed with Internet Explorer 6 under Virtual PC for Mac.
Je trouve ce nouveau style très réussi et élégant… Ça me donne même envie de revoir le mien.
Alex: It wasnt too bad actually, I had only 3 things to change:
– no border=”0″ on images, I had to put the border definition in css.
– some of my outside links had & in them, I replaced it with the special character code & amp ;
– the form for my search box needed to have a < p > tag surrounding it (which I find very weird)
As for the image align, if you wrap it in a div and give that div text-align: center; then the image will center but there might be something cleaner, I just havent searched for that yet since most of the images I’ve used lately have been backgrounds they are easy to center.
Amaruk: Thanks for the feedback, I’ll have it tested by someone directly on a PC but I havent heard anything from the “usual testers”, how wide was the window you were using?
Laurent: Merci beaucoup :).
The usual complainer has not experienced the aforementioned sidebar issue with the new design…
I did say tester, not complainer but thx Fanny ;)