Yulblog 5th

Well that was fun! Last night was Yulblog’s fifth anniversary so we were holding a little shindig at Zeke’s. Guesstimates were of 50-60 attendees, we passed the 75 entries mark. Considering a few I was counting in my estimates weren’t there it’s a very very good turnout.

To me it wasn’t a big deal 2 years ago to come in to La Cabane for my first Yulblog so I guess even though I knew some were shy about it I didn’t completely realize how much because we had at least 10 newbies for this event where you could get in “under the radar” more easily. Hope we see all of you again in a couple of weeks.

Also yesterday, The Gazette featured two full pages (including the huge picture of ‘toine on the front page ot the weekend section) of blog coverage. Sarah did a very good job, well balanced article and she wasn’t making stuff up like a certain guy from La Presse or messing stuff up for more punch.

I learned a few things semi-organizing this thing, maybe we’ll take those lessons and make it a yearly thing. Remains to be seen.

Thanks to Chris for the venue, Michael and Ed for the initial push and help. Eric for the superb flyer. MC, AJ, Serge, Eric and Antoine for the podcasts, MJ for the clutch help with the sound system and Alex for the projector, Pbook and last minute presentation building: you tha man. Most importantly, thanks to the 75+ people who made it, it was fun to see you all.


m-c March 20, 2005

a yearly?

great idea.

apres les minioffyulblog,
les offyulblog,
les metayulblog,
les exyulblog,
les wannabelikeyublog,
les bedinyulblog,
les pseudolikeyulblog,
et encore j’en oublie un – great to see the yearlyone.

Martine March 21, 2005

Good job, Pat and thank YOU. You da man, and you look fab in a jacket!

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