Yulzine Launches

Collaborative project produced by members of Yulblog.

Ok. Finally, after various delays, Yulzine Duality is online with it’s first entry. The second entry will be up Tuesday night, they were initially supposed to be both live at the same time but since the site is built to display only the latest entry, with the 2 previous one in a thumbnail version, I thought it would be unfair to relegate the first entry straight to archives.

As usual, I tested with the browsers I have but there might be some bugs. If you find anything wrong, please email me or comment in this entry.

Also feel free to add your name in the comments if you want to participate in the next entries and themes you might want to suggest for the next posters.

Many thanks to the first 8 volunteers, hopefully we’ll be able to keep this going for a while and get some fun stuff out of it.


miss.sushi April 18, 2005

Hah! C’est vraiment trop super comme concept. Et oui, je veux trop participer… photo ou texte, count me in!

Helen April 18, 2005

Great work…:)

Karl Dubost April 19, 2005

uber cool !!!!

Antoine April 19, 2005

W00t! Belle mise en page Patrick, two thumbs up!

Alex April 19, 2005

Hey, moi aussi je veux participer!!!

Belle mise en page en effet. Travailles-tu dans l’Internet toi coudonc?!

Paolo April 19, 2005


karl April 19, 2005

tablette de cire?

Patrick April 19, 2005

Merci, merci.

Feeds: I’m still deciding. There already is a feed but it would include all three “components” of an entry one after the other and not the author info since I post them all myself. I have to look into a more custom version but the site is built with Textpattern which isn’t the most flexible out of the box for feeds.

m-c April 19, 2005

je suis en retard, et comme une image vaut mille mots, ben je peux dire : ha ben bonyenne, là je comprend le concept!

je suis in aussi pour participer, maintenant que je comprend comment ca va marcher…

Julie April 20, 2005

Count me in as an anglo writer of bilingual “souche” – that passes, right?

marie April 20, 2005

Absolutely genious idea and the site is very well designed. Please put me in the pot for the photography side of things! Thanks Patrick for getting back to me.

aj April 20, 2005

tres cool. I’m still in, just give me a deadline :)

Also, small comment, the right-aligned text on the right side makes it seem more like poetry than prose. Maybe two columns of justified text?

or a mirror layout, back to back?

anyway—great work!!!!

AlexAtEyekyu April 20, 2005

That layout is sweet. Sweet sweet sweet.

kirsten April 21, 2005

Looks great, fantastic idea. Very, very cool. Would love to be a part of it…

me April 21, 2005

Je trouve ça super chouette :) bravo :) ca look!

Patrick April 22, 2005

Kirsten, just tell me if you want in as a writer and/or photographer and I’ll add your name to the list.

Philippe-A. April 23, 2005

Sooo in! Mais moi j’ai un appareil pourri qui prend des photos de merdes, alors, ça serait plutôt pour un texte. Ne te presse pas, je te fais confiance pour me choisir un bon sujet.

kirsten April 24, 2005

Cool, thanks Patrick! I’m in as a writer (lack of a camera dictates this choice!).

pierre tessier April 27, 2005

Please count me in , writer , photographer, i love the concept. thanks for the time spent on this. the whole community benefits.

Comments closed