Woah dude!

I’m not sure which one of those numbers is the most incredible; Keanu potentially (almost surely) making US300$ million for the 2 Matrix sequels or the fact he’s giving US80$ million to 29 special effects guys! 15% of the box office take? For Keanu? Does that make sense? I mean sure it would have been weird with another Neo but would the revenues have been 15% lower? Great gesture on his part though, seems to me the “reajustement” he just did takes it closer to the weight he has in bringing in movie goers vs that of the visual fx.

[Later, 2003/06/06] Then again, maybe not (scroll up a bit, the link isnt placed correctly)


blork June 3, 2003

It’s his humble Canadian roots. As he points out, he could live for centuries on what he already has. Too bad more such people (who take in such ridiculous incomes) don’t have the same sense of sharing.

Incidently, it’s 15% of the profit, not of the box office.

Patrick June 3, 2003

Humble Canadian roots, yeah I like that angle :)

I agree it’s usually a percentage of the profits but on imdb they do say box office. Typo I guess.

Martine June 4, 2003

Hé, on a parlé du même beau jeune homme toi et moi! Belle attitude en effet. Ça ne change rien pour lui et ça a un impact considérable sur la vie des gens qui ont vraiment contribué à son film et à sa fortune. J’espère que d’autres se sentiront forcés de suivre son exemple, surtout si ces “autres” travaillent un jour avec moi!

Patrick June 4, 2003

En fait, j’aimerais mieux que les boites d’effets spéciaux soient mieux payées, particulièrement dans les cas ou c’est eux, les effets, qui amènent des gens dans la salle et que les foutus billets soient moins chers. US300$ millions à Keanu c’est au moins 280 millions du mauvais côté du billet d’entrée.

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