Thanks For Nothing

Seems I’m a minority within a minority and I’m not supported. Intuit, makers of the only half way decent business accounting software for Mac, Quickbooks, aren’t producing the Canadian version anymore. Mac market is smaller, Canadian market for Mac is even smaller. No go. Even worse, the 2005 version which I’m using was going fine but it hangs on Leopard and their only support notice is: upgrade.

So: Quickbooks > Quickbooks for Mac > Quickbooks for Mac on Leopard > Quickbooks for Mac on Leopard, Canadian Version > Me.

Any other software to recommend?


Rémi Prévost December 18, 2007

I’d recommend Windows.

Hehe ;)

Patrick December 18, 2007

Not gonna happen :-p

J.F. December 18, 2007

For invoicing: Freshbooks (web-based)

Otherwise … Parallels??

cfd December 18, 2007

It’s called Windows/Parallels/Simply Accounting, it’s a software solution that’s not fun nor friendly, but it works. And the accountant seems to like it.

Patrick December 18, 2007

@jf : I don’t want to use online solutions for that and if I don’t find something all in one I’ll just use iBiz invoicing, I already own it.

@cfd : ouin, si je fait ça ça va être avec Quickbooks encore parce que c’est ce que ma comptable utilise. On m’a dit récemment que VMware est rendu beauuuuuucoup mieux que Parallels. Opinion?

Patrick December 19, 2007

Merci mais Billings c’est comme plusieurs autres solutions (iBiz, Blinksale) et c’est juste du invoicing, pas de “vrai” comptabilité (suivi de comptes bancaires, de dépenses, conciliation, etc.).

Alex Williams December 19, 2007

Hi Patrick,

I developed a web-based PHP application which ONLY does bookkeeping. It’s probably the most simple accounting software on the planet since it only allows you to manage 2 things:
– income
– expenses

There is also a summary page which displays useful things like net/gross income, total taxes collected, etc.

I still have a couple interfaces to complete, but if you want to try it let me know. It might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Alex Williams December 19, 2007

One more note… it only works for people in Quebec because our tax system is weird.

Patrick December 19, 2007

I’d be interested in having a look but I want something that does it all _and_ a desktop app, not a web app.

Jean-Francois Arseneault December 21, 2007

J’essaye Moneydance pcq je trouve que Quicken ns neglige, users Mac. C’est ok, pas super cute, mais fonctionnel et rapide. ET cross-plateforme pcq ca roule avec Java (dealbreaker?)

Etant donne que mon G4 est presque mort, je suis content de pouvoir prendre mon fichier MoneyDance et faire ma comptabilite sur ma machine Windows en attendant… bien pratique.

Patrick December 21, 2007

Money dance c’est du personal finance, je cherche pour compagnie.

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