Random Moment #44

I’m listening to this podcast of This Week In Tech with, among others, Cory Doctorow. They are talking about various things, I’m going through my feed list. They start talking about the million pixel page, I hit space to get to the next news item and it’s this one by Darren Barefoot who’s also talking about the million pixel page. Freaky.

Speaking of Doctorow, last week I finished reading is excellent and hilarious collection of shorts, A Place So Foreign and 8 More. One of my favorites on there is 0wnz0red which you can read online. Great stuff as always. He’s on my “buy on sight” list, no questions asked; Doctorow, soft cover, buy.

Here’s the Bruce Sterling intro for the book:

There has been a chunk of science fiction influenced by Silicon Valley, but “0wnz0red” captures the disturbed inner world of the technically sociopathic. For years now I’ve been searching for a work of science fiction that could only have been written in the 21st century. “0wnz0red” has broken through. This story is fully realized, and it is sarcastic, abrasive, and mind-boggling in a truly novel way. Like Beat writing in its early period, “0wnz0red” has the dual virtues of being both really offensive and genuinely hard for normal people to understand. This work is therefore truly advanced. It deserves an epithet all its own: “Doctorovian.” We should all hope and trust that our culture has the guts and moxie to follow this guy. He’s got a lot to tell us.


Chris October 7, 2005

Doctorow’s new novella, Themepunks, is also pretty interesting. It diverges unnecessarily a couple of times, but I like the premise of big companies rethinking what they are.

Seb Paquet October 8, 2005

Not freaky. Means you need to follow more diverse blogs :)

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