There’s a great service that I’ve been using for a few months, it’s at once one I use all the time and one I never use. Pinboard looks and works (on the surface) like delicious but it’s got some innovative features that I really like.
I bookmark a lot of stuff on delicious and have a plugin I like in Safari so I’m still using it as my base bookmarking service but I set up Pinboard so it constantly imports all of my bookmarks, giving me a good backup of everything. I also set it up so it bookmarks all the links I post on Twitter, giving me a backup of that too, in the same place. So I’m there only when I need to fetch something but use it many times a day, through other services.
Pinboard moves quickly and is constantly tweaking and adding features. This time Maciej is adding a new paying feature, letting you keep an archive of all the pages you bookmark, not only the link. No more “disapeared” content. There are a number of bookmarking services but this is the first time I see such an option, good idea. It follows the pricing innovation he came up with earlier this year (Signup, Help page explaining it). The one time price changes according to the number of members. It’s currently at $5.52 and is calculated with the formula (number of users X $0.0001).
Lots of other small innovation, one of my favorite web apps recently.