Open-Source Media

Nothing new in this article describing the rise of blogging and how it’s a form of so-called Open-Source Media.

You’ll notice I said “nothing new” but posted it anyway, there are two reasons for that. One, I know I have readers (mainly friends) who barely know anything about blogging so it might interest them. Two, I use my blog as a kind of bookmark with context so it’s also for archiving purposes on my side.

I’m mentionning it because I often find myself wondering if I should blog something or if visitors have already read it in 10 other places. Since I’ve recently started opening comments on every entry, feel free to tell me when it’s a redundant post, it might influence what I write about.


lightspeedchick June 10, 2003

The most common question I get from non-bloggers isn’t really “what?”, but rather “why?”. Any idea?

Martine June 11, 2003

Patrick, je pense que tu devrais continuer publier ces liens, d’autant plus qu’on ne les retrouve pas souvent sur le “rseau” francophone. Et puis si c’est un billet plutt court, a ne devrait pas tre un problme pour les gens qui ont dj vu l’article ailleurs. Ils peuvent facilement sauter par dessus le billet pour voir le suivant.

Patrick June 11, 2003

Why indeed? Not sure, in my case I had been following blogs before they were blogs and wanted to take part in those conversations, that “culture” and thought you could really only do that with your own weblog, not just by commenting and reading. Took me long enough though, it was only when I started considering it as a “backup brain”, a place to archive things I found, that I actually realized I might have enough content to make it worth while.

Bon point Martine, je n’avais pas considr le ct francophone, quoi que considrant mon % de contenu franco je suis pas mal sur la limite ;).

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