Khaaaaaaaannnnnn. IE 6.0 is my nemesis and a major pain in the a… Piece of shïte. 1pixel it was, one frickin’ pixel! Biatch!
Generalist. Synthesist. Curator of eclectic ideas @ Sentiers.
Khaaaaaaaannnnnn. IE 6.0 is my nemesis and a major pain in the a… Piece of shïte. 1pixel it was, one frickin’ pixel! Biatch!
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Tell me about it. I recently finished an all CSS site for a client that performed beautifully in all browsers EXCEPT IE6. I had to write a whole ‘nutha set of non-W3compliant rules for IE6 users. Microsoft is a bloody monopoly that hates playing fair because it’s the only way they can get people to use their poorly written software and they SUCK because they’re not about the customer! On top of that, if it weren’t for Apple, Microsoft would have to come up with original ideas and then people would really see how crappy Microsoft is.
(this should get me sued)
BTW, here’s a GREAT Khan site!