Google Analytics Redesigned

Google Analytics has been redesigned, looks great. One of my favorite “web people”, Jeffrey Veen led the project and is now leading “a team of over 30 designers and researchers responsible for the user experience of Google’s web applications”. Well done Jeff.


jer May 10, 2007

FINALLY! Oh god it was so bad, though the tour still doesn’t show any kind of referral listing, which was my main beef with the service in the first place. Hopefully it’s just hidden somewhere (can’t check till they migrate my account to one of the new servers :(

Also, despite “remember” being clicked next to my contact data in the comment form, it never remembers me, and it posted my comment even though there was no message text. BAD TEXTPATTERN!

Patrick May 10, 2007

I’ve had the new design in the works for a looooong time. I finally almost finished the WordPress theme nights this week. Will try to finish over the weekend.

Marie-Claude May 11, 2007

Concluant. As a Google Analytics user, I must say that the new design is way MUCH BETTER.

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