Gates Transitioning Out Of Microsoft

Bill Gates has announced he will end his day-to-day role as head of software giant Microsoft by July 2008… Mr Gates said the move would allow him to spend more time on health and education work at his charity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.—Gates to end daily Microsoft role

I’ve been a Microsoft hater for years now, partly for the suckage of their products but in larger part for the cheating and arm twisting they’ve been doing for years, barely getting a slap on the hand. If they hadn’t destroyed Netscape, we might have a different web landscape now, or at least my job would be different.

Paradoxically, I’ve also been a fan of Gates in some ways. He’s obviously the mastermind behind a lot of the behaviour I dispise but he’s also a very driven, brilliant man so I’m hoping that he’ll continue to put those qualities to good use with his foundation and step it up a notch with this transition. Good causes in general can certainly use his talent. (And his ginormous hoard of cash ;) )