
So the ever creative and busy Hugh has launched another project. This one is a pared down version of Collectik and it’s called Earideas.

Earideas is a collection of the best thoughtful audio available on the web. We’ve got shows from public and other broadcasters, magazines, newspapers, museums, as well as individuals. You can find it all here (to subscribe, download, or listen on our site), updated daily with the latest shows, organized by category.

For the launch they have an audio challenge (you should change the blog to clean urls Hugh ;) ). A couple of months ago I only had one CBC/RC podcast, now my list will be CBC/RC heavy, impressive lineup on their part.

  • CBC Radio 3 R3-30. Funny and great music.
  • I love Christianne but hadn’t watched/listened to her in a while. I’m loving the variety of the Christianne Charette radio show podcast.
  • Spark. Not as enthused with the last couple as I was with the first few but still great.
  • I mostly don’t like the music he plays and he’s barely saying anything for the last few months so he’s lower than he should be but Julien’s In Over Your Head still has to make it to my top five. Best voice in canadian podcasts, funny as hell and insightful.
  • Not audio so I put it last (although I guess for some you could just listen) but this one is by far what I enjoy watching/listening to the most: the Ted Conference Podcast. I can hardly have a conversation where I don’t have some nugget from the conference to bring up.

    The last stage of the challenge is to link people to do the same but, honestly, I don’t know all that many people who listen to them so instead I’ll encourage all my readers to head to Earideas and make sure to at least try a couple of podcasts, you might be surprised. Actually, you will be surprised.


hugh December 11, 2007

thanks. it’s great that many people who seem to like earideas *don’t* listen to podcasts. that was actually the point – i got so frustrated with people saying, oh i don’t really listen to podcasts, but they are often people who enjoy listening to good radio.

in fact, we don’t even use the word podcast – except deep in the about page.

so: if you hate podcasts, come have a visit anyway, maybe we can interest you in some great audio delivered thru the web? if you hate podcasts, earideas was built for you!

re: TED, very annoying but they used to have audio-only feeds. no more.

hugh December 11, 2007

oh & re: clean urls… i’ll have to try again. first effort at updating my .htaccess broke the blog ;-( …

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