Yesterday I had a meeting close to Westmount Park and got there a bit ahead, I also had some client mockups to review so I walked over to the park and got a bit of work done. I also took a short video of the temporary office a la Véro.
Generalist. Synthesist. Curator of eclectic ideas @ Sentiers.
Yesterday I had a meeting close to Westmount Park and got there a bit ahead, I also had some client mockups to review so I walked over to the park and got a bit of work done. I also took a short video of the temporary office a la Véro.
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Haha! J’ai développé un genre?
J’aime bien ce petit clip. Tu as acheté une caméra? Ça va changer le look de ton blog… ;)
(Maintenant que j’ai Flash 8 je vais utiliser Vimeo plus souvent. J’adore le design et le fait qu’il n’y a que l’image lorsque le vidéo joue.)
J’ai pas encore acheté de caméra vidéo, je prend ma Canon SD400 en mode vidéo pour le moment.