N’oubliez pas que la rencontre Yulblog a lieu Mercredi le 4 20h00. Venez faire un tour.
En esprant rencontrer des nouveaux qui se sont ajouts depuis que je m’occupe du site:
- Too Much Information
- Surfing in Québec
- goldkicks
- quitting smoking blog
- Zeke’s Gallery
- Montréal urbain
- Something Up With Which I Will Not Put
- Optimuscrime
- mtl3p (un petit vite, Michael est dj venu nous voir)
- Véronique Durand (Vronique aussi)
- Montréal vu d’ici
- Madness Brewing
- Promenades
- why was daddy kissing that man in the park?
- Life of a Viet Bug
- Say What??!!
- Immutably Me
word. i’ll do what i can to be there. stuffed cow, eh?
Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it. I have a prior engagement (there is a band playing here at the same time).
I’m not being anti-social on purpose… :) You see we’re expecting our first born on April 1st (no joke) and things are a *wee* bit chaotic right now.
I’m really eager to meet up with everyone so count on me trying to make a show as soon as it’s possible.