I was lucky enough to see Brett Gaylor’s Rip: A Remix Manifesto at the a premiere screening last fall and now it’s your turn. I’ve know Brett for a couple of years and made the first couple of versions of the site (not the latest) but it’s got nothing to do with my appreciation: his movie kicks ass! Seriously, it’s a fun and instructive (rare combo) ride through what Copyright, copy left, Creative Commons and the digital culture in general is about, the legal crapola going on that’s threatening it and the great stuff happening in the space.
On top of the movie’s quality in it’s own right, Brett’s a good guy living in Montréal and part of our local scene, we’re always showing up at various events and little launches to encourage the locals doing good, this is a full length theater released movie tackling a big issue. If it’s not the time to show up, I don’t know what is.
For what it talks about, for the importance of the issues, for your own awareness of what’s involved and, well, so it keeps on being shown in cinemas, you have to go see this movie. In Montréal it’s showing at AMC until Wednesday and at Cinéma du Parc for an open run as well as in various other cities across the country now and in upcoming weeks.
If you don’t come out to encourage and learn from this movie, you suck.
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