Piece of Shit

I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows, I hate Internet Explorer for Windows.


John November 18, 2003

So, Internet Explorer for Windows. Don’t you just love it?

Mathieu November 18, 2003

mmmm… In reality There is really nothing bad that can be said about inteRnet explorer. i’ve been a web devlOpper for over 9 years and i’ve never even had the sLightest probLem.

I thinks “you” might be the problem.

and if you dont agree, just read the caps to see my point!!!

Nika November 18, 2003

sorry I catch that, what is it that you hate?

Martine November 18, 2003

I have a feeling that people are going to ban me from accessing their Web sites because I’m still using IE. I just don’t like the 1995 look of Mozilla and I can’t seem to find the time to customize it.

Bill November 18, 2003

I hate Windows XP, myself. Explorer is nothing in comparison.

Danie November 18, 2003

Couldn’t have said it better myself!

(well without profanity anyway!)

Karl Dubost November 18, 2003

Martine it’s very easy to customize Mozilla and you can even give it a IE look and feel.


Martine November 18, 2003

I have Mozilla on my computer, but every other site I go to has some special thingy or page layout which only seems to work with IE, so I always end up going back to the evil force…

Patrick November 18, 2003

Not to get all standards and open sourcy since I know some aren’t much “into that” but recent versions of Mozilla (Firebird), Opera and Safari (Mac only) render the vast majority of sites (read pretty much all) as they are supposed to, special thingies that Martine mentions are now pretty rare. I haven’t opened IE Mac in months (except to test my own sites) and there is no place I haven’t been able to see. Same was true with Mozilla on PC when I had to revert for a few weeks.

lightspeedchick November 19, 2003

J’ai installé Mozilla et y’a aucune page qui se charge. C’est comme si je n’étais pas connectée à l’Internet. En mon humble opinion, installer un browser ne devrait pas être plus compliqué que, mettons, monter un blogue.

Par conséquent, j’utilise IE. Désolée puristes.

TheDon November 19, 2003

Two words, one number: Mozilla Firebird 0.7

Patrick November 19, 2003

c-speedchick: J’ai installé Mozilla 7-8 fois sur différentes machines et ca a toujours super bien été. Tu viens d’essayer ou ca date? Comme TheDon le souligne, Mozilla Firebird 0.7 ca kick des culs.

bits November 21, 2003

Coming from a mac user !!!

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