A few Daily Show items. One of the very best shows on tv.
- Hilarious clip from his coverage of John Ashcroft testifying. The coverage is hilarious, the subject is sad and kinda scary.
- Stewart’s commencement address at William and Mary. “Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age. And let the chips fall where they may.” Exactly.
- And lastly, I’m not big on political books but America will certainly be an exception.
One Comment
Je viens d’en �couter pendant 3 heures, vraiment hillarant!!! �a fait des ann�es que j’avais pas �cout� John Stuart. Il s’est vraiment am�lior�.
F�licitation pour le nouveau design…. 9/10 !!! (je garde 1 point pour ton prochain qui sera sans doute encore mieux ;o])