Coupla Contracts

A couple of interesting contracts have been brought to my attention today, thought I’d pass them along.

First, the NFB is looking for a tech coordinator for CitizenShift (I did their blog by the way, Matthew Olivier Groulx did the illustrations). It’s a very cool project with some fun people working there. What they are looking for covers a pretty broad spectrum of fields but that’s what makes it interesting.

Second, I don’t have all that many details yet but a new project being built in Montréal, in a so far pretty open field is looking for an experienced PHP/MySQL (so LAMP) developer to play an application architect role. I have no link to include but I met with one of the project leads today and it sounds interesting so drop me a line is you want me to put you in contact with them. (And if we don’t already know each other, include some linkage of your work)

One Comment

Matt Forsythe June 14, 2007

Thanks for the link – but those illustrations are actually by Montreal Flash-master, Olivier Groulx.

He just did an animated demo for CITIZENShift. I think he also did the Arcade Fire’s Neon Bible ( flash site.

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