First time I went to Paris years ago it was somewhat exceptional to others around me. Not super exceptional but not everyone had been and europe trips were somewhat rare and far in between. The passing of time, the changing of circle of friends and the changing of salaries has changed that quite a bit. In the last few and upcoming weeks (If I go back to the beginning of the year, I can add 4 more people):
- Philippe, Nico and Christian all went to France and (I think) spent some time in Paris. Those 3 were born there though so that’s less a trend thing.
- Caro was there a few weeks ago.
- Seb and Valérie were just there.
- Suze is going a few days before we are.
- Dan comes back 4 day before we leave.
- Laurent is there at the same time.
- Hugh arrives the day we leave.
- Carl is going in October.
- [Update] MC and Chris are going in November
- Luce is going in December.
Extending a bit, Tara is in Rotterdam the day before we arrive and Julie and Boris are in London at the same time we’re on the old continent.
So yes, I said “we”, no I’m not using the royal one, I’m going to europe with the CYW (Certain Young Woman). Flying in to Paris, train to Antwerp, then Rotterdam and back to Paris for 6 days. If you have activities to recommend, places to visit, etc., feel free to comment.
Haha! If you don’t want to feel like Yet Another Guy Going to Paris, why don’t you just go to Spain? ;)
…but then again, that’s where i’m going in October lol.
Have fun!
Coworking: out.
Cohousing: in. (let’s buy a Paris pied-à-terre!)
des places intéressantes (a part les inévitables)
– la cité des sciences et de l’industrie, à la parc de la villette. a part l’architecture, ils ont toujours des expos intéressants
– cimetiere pere lachaise. j’ai trouvé ca weird de visiter une cimetiere, mais ca vaut vraiment la visite. de grands noms enterrés, design des pierres tombales, toute l’histoire de paris comme tous les grands poetes et chanteurs etc…
– dans le meme genre d’idée, les catacombes. oui, c’est aussi bizarre comme idée, mais ca vaut aussi la visite.
finalement, le parc des buttes chaumont, 19 eme arrondissment. une butte au milieu de paris, tres beau, il y a le cote historique aussi. il y aussi l’avenue daumesnil, vers gare de lyon. une ancienne ligne de chemin de fer suspendu a été transformé en boutiques, on peut aussi se promer en haut. mais bon, je pense que c’est dans le cas oû on a visité les autres lieux avant.
I am definitely not going to Paris. However, had you asked me a year ago…
i used to live there. do i count?
We are planning to go to the city of light in november!
I did not felt so in love with Rotterdam, i still much prefer amsterdam (1 hour train from Rotterdam i think, worth it)…
cfd: Faut être combien pour que ce soit pas trop cher? 150? ;)
heri: thx, I’ve been to all of those except les buttes, maybe we’ll go there.
z: Early adopter!
julien: in the last few weeks? :-p
mc: added. We’re visiting friends in Rotterdam and we’ve both been to Amsterdam.
We’re all so cosmopolitan :). Though I suspect that all this world travel by plane will be curbed somewhat one day when the threat/problems of global warming are too big to ignore. Unless someone figures out how to fuel planes with an atmosphere-friendly fuel.
I’ll be going through my Paris stuff on Monday/Tuesday, so I’ll send you some more specific links then (I have a great list from work of all the interesting art exhibits etc. going on).
But off the top of my head, if you’re looking for a nice (romantic) dinner for 2, I highly recommend Flora (36, Avenue George V – 33 (0) 1 40 70 10 49). Fantastic food and a great (very calm) setting in what feels like an old house crossed with an upscale (but not at all pretentious) restaurant. The service is very personal, but discreet. Of course, it’s not cheap but it’s not a month’s rent either.
Kong is fashionista-famous (it was in the season finale of Sex and the City). It’s a bit ‘too hip it hurts’, but the view from the top floor (ask for a table there if you go) is UNBELIEVABLE on a clear day. You’re surrounded by glass windows that look onto the period buildings around you. Very cool. Also, the restaurant was designed by Philippe Starke, so it’s pretty cool. The food is OK, but not great. Cheaper than Flora though.
Oooops. Here’s the address of Kong:
1 rue du Pont Neuf
01 40 390 910
It’s a bit hard to find, but look for Kenzo – it’s on the top floor.
Now you’re making me feel like I’m missing the boat by going to San Francisco…
we call it “coincidensity” :)