102 movies you must see before…


Ella April 28, 2006

I’ve seen like, 57, I can totally die sooner! Oh, wait, that’s not a good thing….

edemay April 28, 2006

T’as pas vu Psycho?? Fargo?? The Exorcist?? The Monty python???!

Patrick April 28, 2006

Ella: no it’s not!

e: Même pas, honteux en effet.

Antoine April 28, 2006

46, so I can die in a few years too. Mais je pense passé mon tour pour Bambi, quand même!

wrong.posture April 28, 2006

damn…. i scored something like 80… I’m that much closer to…

Epicure April 28, 2006

Moi qui me trouvais quand même pas si pire avec mon 38…
Il y en a certains dans cette liste que je me ferai un grand plaisir de ne pas voir, simple question de goût. Et que plus de moitié de ces «must see» aient été réalisés avant 1970, c’est peut-être juste un peu extrême…

karl April 28, 2006


61 seen and plus 2 that I will see soon because I have DVDs and had not time to see them yet.

But I know why I have seen a lot. I have been a TV addicts. For example, seen all hitchock and also westerns on TV.

There was an excellent show on French Television when I was young. It was called “Cinema de Minuit” and they were showing 30’s and 40’s movies.

plus movies seen at school like “M le maudit”

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